Thursday, December 31, 2015

Getting to know the figure of General Sudirman

Hi guys, today I will introduce you to one of the many heroes of Indonesia, Sudirman, he is experienced in the military field and has a very strong determination to protect the nation and state of Indonesia

On December 19, 1948, the Dutch military aggression II attacked Yogyakarta, the capital of Indonesia at that time. National leaders: Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta and Sjahrir caught. Soon after the aggression, General Sudirman as Commander of TKR (People's Security Army) issued orders that all army lightning Indonesia do guerrilla against the Dutch.

           Although ill, Sudirman lead directly guerrilla. With his army, he went out into the forest, up and down the mountain to attack military outposts Netherlands. Guerrilla tactics it turned out to weaken the morale of the troops Netherlands. Many are desperate and feel threatened his safety. Because unexpectedly, they get a sudden attack of the troops of General Sudirman.
Dutch feel overwhelmed Sudirman forces. They can only master urban areas, whereas outside it, has entered the territory of the guerrilla army leader Sudirman. On the other hand, diplomatic pressure against the Netherlands also insistently, because the international community saw that the army led by General Sudirman still exist.

          Guerrilla warfare conducted Sudirman, an attempt to imitate the Prophet when migrated to Madinah. Of tactics can be read that the Sudirman understand the tactics of the Prophet when the Quraish fool. While at the village after suffering Karangnongko previously settled in the village Sukarame - Sudirman village considers it unsafe. He decided to leave the village with tactics disguise, as did his companions when the Prophet besarta will emigrate.

          After the dawn prayer, Sudirman together with his bodyguard went into the forest. Coat she used to be left in a house in the village, including several members of the group consisting of Rustam and Heru Suparjo Kesser. The next morning Heru Kesser soon wore the mantle and together Suparjo Rustam walked toward the south. Up in a house, then the coat is removed and the two of them together with a few people are carefully following the Sudirman. Apparently, in the afternoon the Dutch aircraft bombed the house who had visited Heru Kesser and Suparjo Rustam.

To spread the jihad fighting spirit, this great general distributed leaflets containing an appeal to all the people and army to continue fighting against the Dutch with quotes one hadith of the Prophet. "Insyaflah! Whoever dies, when (during his life) has never fought (for justice) even the slightest desire of his heart there is no war, the death on a branch of hypocrisy. "

        Specifically Sudirman also encouraged his troops to not be afraid and sad because Allah is with the believers. In addition, Sudirman always remind his troops to cleanse his heart in the struggle. They must be confident that God will not neglect his servants who fight for something that is fair based on inner purity.

          In the course of the guerrilla, each stop in the countryside or village, Sudirman, as he is usually called upon the people, always organize recitals. This is what makes it close to the community. Every night, although her condition is pain due to lung disease, he always prayed tahajud.
In order to rekindle the spirit of jihad among the army and society, Sudirman establish close working relationship with the boarding schools. For example, during the battle in Magelang and Ambarawa, he collaborated with the boarding school in Payaman Kyai leader Siraj. Boarding many leads his students to strive in battle Ambarawa.

          Sudirman also always instill in each child his noble attitude to life or martyrdom. In his speeches he always quoted the Qur'anic verse that contains the word "Jihad" as Surah Ash-Shaff paragraphs 10 and 11 and surah al-Baqarah verse 154. Sudirman also often chanting Takbir "Allahu Akbar!" While leading the battle. Approximately seven months he leads a guerrilla war until the Dutch finally resigned from Yogyakarta.

Sudirman was born from a family of small farmers, in the village of Bodaskarangjati, District of Rembang, Purbalingga, Central Java. His father was a foreman in the sugar cane sugar factory in Purwokerto. From infancy he was adopted by the assistant district officer (district head) in Rembang, R. Tjokrosunaryo.

            A child who was born on January 24, 1916 is included in luck. The reason for that time, he could get an education in the School Teachers Muhammadiyah Solo, though not until the end. But because education is high, Sudriman could be a teacher at Muhammadiyah Cilacap. Aside from being a teacher, he is also actively preached that his name famous in Cilacap and Banyumas.

       As Muhammadiyah activists, young Sudirman active in Hizbul Wathon, scouting belongs to Muhammadiyah. Apparently, in this container stand his military talent. Because of that, he then entered the selection Homeland Defense military education (Map) in Bogor.

     Sudirman military career has been rapid. Graduated from the school, he was appointed battalion commander in the Tract. After the People's Security Army (TKR) was formed, he was appointed Commander of Division V / Banyumas with the rank of colonel. Conference TKR 1945, Sudirman was elected Commander of TKR and appointed by the president with the rank of general. TKR has since grown into the Indonesian National Army (TNI).

     Although he became military officers in Yogyakarta, he remained active following the recitation "Tuesday Night", organized by Muhammadiyah in Kauman, adjacent to the Grand Mosque in Yogyakarta. To maintain the relationship with the camp of Islam, he also did not hesitate to come to their headquarters. Suppose that in 1946, he visited the camp of the Hezbollah-Sabilillah Surakarta. The arrival of the great general morale cash add-Sabilillah Hezbollah members were preparing to leave for the battlefield.

This is what makes the figure of General authoritative and respected. In the eyes of the people, he was a great general and a special commander. The spirit of jihad is to become a legendary figure in the history of the Indonesian military. General Sudirman died in Magelang on January 29, 1950 and was buried at the Heroes Semaki, Yogyakarta.

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