Saturday, July 16, 2016

Consumption of internet data for Pokemon Go Not Amounting that you thought

One complaint that quite often leveled Pokemon Go players is that power consumption is quite large. In addition, is often feared players are internet data consumption is quite large.

However, it turns out that concerns unfounded. Based on calculations performed firm P3 Communications Inc., the gym was only consume 5 to 10 MB of data for one hour.
For comparison, when watching HD-quality video streaming services through a data spend up to 350MB of data for one hour. The number was far more around 35 to 70 times the data that is required when playing Pokemon Go.

A similar information disclosed by the company operator, Verizon, told the Wall Street Journal. According to Chuck Hamby, spokesman for Verizon, games data consumption is less than one percent of total mobile data traffic.

To that end, he made sure customers do not need to increase the capacity of its Internet quota when playing games made by Nintendo and Niantic it. The message at the same time be good news for customers who fear the bill will swell internet.

Quoted from page Phone Arena, Friday (15/07/2016), even the number of Internet users in the United States, in particular T-Mobile customers increased.

Based chirp John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile, there is increased up to four times the number of applicants who began subscribing to internet.

Even so, not a few people who say different things. A chirp of players in the United States complain that the family data consumption increased to 85 percent after playing Pokemon Go.

This monster hunting games popularity is so high in the last few days. In fact, the data indicate a Web site Similar games prestige of these would compete with Twitter in the number of daily users on Android devices.

Data mentioned that since 48 hours of attendance, the gym has been downloaded 5.6 percent of Android devices in the United States. The number of app downloads bypassing Twitter and Tinder.

Play Pokemon Go, Gamer's Accidental Find Corpses

Pokemon fever began sweeping Go! Although not yet officially released in Indonesia, observed these games became the most downloaded games on the App Store in just two days after its release.

As is known, Pokemon Go are games that require players to walk to hunt and capture Pokemon scattered in the real world.

Gim offering unique and exciting experience with features augmented reality (AR), find a corpse when hunting Pokemon certainly be a moment that is hard to forget for gamers from the United States.

Citing information from the pages of The Verge, Monday (07/11/2016), Shayla Wiggins (19 years) of Riverton, Wyoming, United States accidentally discovered the body of a man floating in the river while hunting Pokemon in Pokemon Go.

After contacting the local authorities and carried out further investigations at the scene, the authorities decided that the man died due to plunge.

For your information, this is not the incidence of "unique" first involving Pokemon Go. Previously there was a more unique events such as the police plea that anyone playing Pokemon Go safely, until gamers fell in a ditch.

Then in Indonesia, there are gamers who are willing to ride motorcycles around online for the sake of hunting Pokemon in Pokemon Go. In Italy, there are gamers who demand the developer to release a version of Pokemon Go Pokemon Go is compatible with the Intel processor.

Friday, May 13, 2016


This is a Luxury Cars wallpaper I gather from google, may be useful to be shared ^_^

Thursday, May 12, 2016


This is a bmw cars wallpaper I gather from google, may be useful to be shared ^_^

Saturday, January 2, 2016

History of Kendari city in Southeast Sulawesi

Today, I happened to be in town kendari to complete the work my office hehe, long story short after looking at the situation of this beautiful city, I wanted to know the history of the city looking kendari.

When I browse through the history of this city turns out I read about a Figures who became the origin of the historical city of Kendari, the Figures was JN Vosmaer.

For some reason J.N. Vosmaer interested in a beautiful cove and then gave him the name "Vosmaer baai" (Gulf Vosmaer, then known Kendari Bay). Of its journey around the east coast of Sulawesi began in Gorontalo, Poso, Togian, and along the Gulf of Tomini to enter the Gulf of Tolo on the way home to Makassar, he stopped at May 9, 1831 Kendari Bay find the Bajo and Bugis (Vosmaer, 1832).

Vosmaer very amazed and interested in Kendari Bay newly discovered, thus pushing it to make maps and do some research. Vosmaer interest was evidenced one year (1832) and then by establishing logde, istanah king Tebau, and then equip it with port facilities as well as overseeing the settlement Bajo and Bugis people who move as fishermen from pirates disorder (Tobelo) (Zahari, 1977). Long before the city of Kendari invented and built by Vosmaer became a colonial city on a hill at the edge of the Gulf coast of Kendari. This region (Kendari) previously was included in the Kingdom government Konawe which is located inland with its capital Unaaha. Now the former center of the Kingdom Konawe it into one autonomous district that is Konawe, formerly named the District Kendari which bloomed in 1995. While most regions Kendari District, located on the coast of the Gulf of Kendari Kendari be fixed using the name of the city of Kendari.

Kandai so early Kendari name means small bamboo used as penokong raft or boat. In addition to naming Kandai locals call it by the name Kantahi means residential area seashores. The second mention of the term to give a special meaning to this area, end of the two names has been changed into Kendari. Kendari name this be the start options for the Dutch to melazimkan naming this area, then set into the settlements around the Gulf of Kendari (Tarimana, 1998: 3). Kampung Kandai this is built Vosmaer a Dutchman in 1832 became a town beach with infrastructures such as logde (lodges), istanah king, roads, ports, markets, houses of worship and other facilities on the hill which is characterized by areas of colonial later became the forerunner of Kendari mother Southeast Sulawesi province (Konggoasa, 1982). Kendari city center built after the Royal Konawe who are experiencing a period of decline inland end of the 19th century. However, before the transfer of government activities from inland (Unaaha) to the Kingdom Laiwoi having a heyday during the reign of Tebawo and Lakidende. Konawe Kingdom government structure arranged according to the system "Siwole Mbatohu, O Pitudula Stone" is the four regions of central government support, each supporting region is as follows:
1. Tambo i Losoano oleo or Gate East area, is the area of ​​power Ranomeeto coordination;
2. Tambo i Tepuliano oleo or West Gate, is the region
Latoma power coordination;
3. Bharata NCO i Hana or Right, is the area of ​​coordination
Una Tonga power, and
4. Bharata i Moeri or NCO Left, is the area of ​​coordination of power Asaki / Lambuya (Tamburaka, 1998: 4).

When the central government lies in the hinterland relationship with the Royal Netherlands Indies Konawe not very important, because geographically the capital of this kingdom centered administration dipedalaman, (Unaaha capital of Konawe now). Access kewilayah inland as the center of hoarding of agricultural and plantation just over the road sepatak, then transported through several ports, such as Sampara, Lasolo, Kolono, and Tinanggea (Konggoasa, 1982). Konawe empire finally collapse after the vacuum of power, after the death of the king Lakidende. Royal council not got a replacement Lakidende a king. Failure of this royal council, among other things due to the break of the leaders and the emergence of defiance Ranomeeto as the eastern region of the Kingdom Konawe gate.

Barata east which serves as a port utamai this Konawe kingdom protest against the appointment Sulemandara lieu King Lakidende (Bhurhanuddin, et al, 1978: 35). Chaos and a power vacuum in the body of the Kingdom Konawe protracted, allowing the Dutch run political ploy to divide the nobles Tolaki. Dutch influence elites and aristocrats Ranomeeto secede from the Kingdom Konawe. Dutch provocation succeeded in persuading Sao-Sao (Sapati) in Ranomeeto founded the Kingdom Laiwoi. The success of the Netherlands after the agreement Molawe (Tarimana, 1998: 7).

Kendari City development begins with moving the capital city of the Kingdom of Laiwoi to the King's palace in the hills Tebau Vosmaer in 1832. The hill above the village is developing into a beautiful town East coast of peninsular Southeast Sulawesi Island. Kendari Kandai first name before just a fishing village Bajo and Bugis. The strategic location is in the beautiful bay experienced rapid development, since Vosmaer and Governor General HB in Batavia recognize resource wealth of marine and agricultural products and plantations, so that the region of East Sulawesi, especially Kendari started construction and payed government HB by setting Vosmaer as Assistant Resident by decree number: 16 dated January 12, 1835 resident of the city of Kendari. HB attention in this area as well in order security for the disruption of pirates - Tobelo - which often interfere with the fishing communities (See Bhurhanuddin, 1978, and H. Konggoasa, 1982).

Kendari Vosmaer of potential for very much natural wealth and strategic as quiet natural harbor for shipping and trade. In 1832 Vosmaer obtain permission from the government to control and exploit HB Kendari Bay, especially to protect merchants who conduct activities in Kendari Bay and the Bajo and Bugis
settled on the coast of Kendari, for example:
1. To approve Vosmaer effort to organize the Bajo in Kendari Bay obtain security protection in trade marine products, such as trochus, sea cucumbers, gelatin, japing-japing, tortoiseshell, tail and insert Hiyu fish and others.
2. To facilitate the task of the security in Kendari Bay, he was equipped with a six seed light caliber cannons, six bedial weapons and their ammunition. Waive any terms and conditions to promote trade following firearm ammunition.
3. Allow Vosmaer, build Kendari bay that comes with establishing a defense housing in order to provide permanent protection to people Bajo and traders with the Dutch flag.
4. Provide breadth to Vosmaer hold friendly relations with the kings of Kendari Bay, HB promote profitable trade with regard to all the rules of free trade. And wherever possible to make direct contact with local kings, does not prejudice the interests of both sides.
5. In operationalize relationships or agreements with local kings, and if the interest has nothing to do with the government HB, then Vosmaer may act as an agent of the Governor HB, provided it does not at any time use the opportunity, while maintaining a good understanding and menghindarkn the possibility of disappointment or objection.
6. The trust given to Vosmaer can always be maintained
promote regional, inter-regional trade, the attitude of residents, customs will be visited and carried out continuously reported on Sulawesi Governor (Chalik, 1985). HB blessing, Vosmaer start construction of Kendari edge of the beach on the northern part of Kendari Bay. The town is divided into two residential concentration, the eastern side of the river estuary Kendari and disebalah small cape western section. Construction area of ​​the royal palace (Lakino Konawe) in addition logde (lodges) and other facilities seemed to be a symbol of the growth of the so-called colonial city of Kendari, and when it was built towards the port city of Kendari
and trade or commerce which is the most important city on the east coast of Sulawesi. Government development and the City of Commerce.

There are concerns from the Dutch in the continuing exploitation of surveillance in East Sulawersi are often faced with the pirates at sea which interfere with the smooth trade. The eastern part of Sulawesi is not only rich in marine products, but also become a target for pirates (Tobelo), then this region is a region that is not safe and even danger for sailors and merchants across the east coast of Sulawesi in the 18th century. Kendari Bay the village bustling with the presence of the Bajo, when dilancarkanya Bone expedition in 1824-1925 by the Dutch government to secure and capture the pirates who disrupt the smooth waters of the Gulf of Bone trade. As a result of the expedition Bajo people are much settling seashores Bone Bay (Bajoe now) largely moved to Kendari Bay area along with those taken leadership Bugis White Hyacinths (Esther, 1993: 2).

Kendari the transit port, has played a role since the third half of the 18th century. As the capital of the Kingdom Laiwoi experiencing rapid development after the entry of the Netherlands. Kendari city residential areas divided village communities. Adjacent to the West are Lepo-
Lepo which are dialiran River-Lepo Lepo Laiwoi its capital, where the King Tebau. While Kandai located north side of the bay became the administrative center of government through government decision HB no.2 dated May 9, 1835 which establishes the Kendari city development initiated by
Vosmaer as follows:
1. During the two years, Vosmaer using government vessel to continue mapping and a survey in East Sulawesi.
2. Governor in Makassar gave permission to collect, develop and provide protection pirates in the Gulf of Kendari. In connection with that assignment, he was given charge F1200 - f1800 every year.
3. Provide mapping equipment on the beach and the ocean depths, as well as carpentry tools needed.
4. Broadening Vosmaer in Kendari Bay to issue travel documents belonging boat out of the natives.
5. Assign Vosmaer to continue its activities in melajutkan trade in East Sulawesi (Konggoasa, 1982).

Since the city of Kendari grew into a coastal city that emerged from the village of Bajo and Bugis with their activities as fishing (maritime activity). Because they live on the edge of the Gulf coast of Kendari, the nexus known at that time was through the sea using a sailboat. This location is visited by many sailors and trafficking in from Makassar Gowa) in the West and Ternate (Maluku) in the east of the archipelago. At the beginning of the 19th century Konawe kingdom is heading the process of collapse. Ranomeeto as one of the Kingdom's regions Konawe Tambo section I losoano oleo grow into the Kingdom Laiwoi. So that good relations between the Dutch government fixed Laiwoi built, then in 1836 Vosmaer often sail by boat across the River Wanggu-Lepo Lepo heading to see the King Tebau. There he bought their produce, especially rice in large quantities, then change to woven fabrics, articles of brass, as well as the gong of the kingdom of Buton (Zahari, 1977). Dutch busy with the construction of the city of Kendari, also disturbed by the chaos in the Kingdom of Gowa, Bone, and Buton. After these kingdoms dominated government then set Afdeeling Oost Celebes or Sulawesi Cambodgien East covering the areas of Buton, Muna, Kendari, Luwuk Banggai, and Bungku / Mori (Said D., 1997).

The birth of the Kingdom Laiwoi the second half of the 19th century, led by La Magu as king Laiwoi began to detach himself from the bonds of the Kingdom Konawe, though Saranani still serving as Sulemandara Konawe domiciled in Pondidaha. He Magu the legitimacy of the ruling HB began to organize his cabinet personnel administration set consisting of positions: Batuangan as Sapati, Malacca as Capita, and La Palewo as a retainer. He Magu signed the first contract with the Governor-General of the Kingdom Laiwui HB Accords Long - Long Contract - on 13 April 1858 consists of 27 chapters. Sao-Sao replace La Magu, who died in 1865 became king Laiwoi, but because of immature, then King of Sao-Sao newly sworn in on May 15, 1880 (Said D., 2005). After Sao-Sao officially became king, he signed a second agreement, respectively; Sao-Sao represent Hadat Kingdom Laiwoi with Resident Bensbach HB representing the government on Monday, December 21, 1885 aboard the "Borneo" which was anchored outside Kendari Bay. The agreement consists of 18 chapters, and one of the article is Hadat Laiwoi Kingdom government recognizes legally HB and HB Laiwoi incoming government. To strengthen its position in the Kingdom HB Laiwui in November 1910 to July 1913 have been placed in Kendari Lt. IF Trefers as komondan military post with the main task is to run the civil administration in Onderafdeeling Kendari. The loss of the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Laiwoi, after King Sao-Sao represent kingdom Verklaring Korte signed on August 30, 1917 were approved by the Governor-General HB No. 5 dated August 2, 1918. Tekaka since 1928 has replaced the Sao-Sao, who died crowned King Laiwoi on 9 November 1933 stambel (Statute) of 1927 No. 277, as well as regulating the relations Landschap Laiwoei with Gubernemen HB. At the beginning of 1918 the government set the establishment Afdeeling HB Boeton en Laiwoei based (Bijbled 14 377), which includes three regions onderafdeling, namely Onderafdeeling Buton, Muna Onderafdeeling, and Onderafdeeling Kendari with the central government and its capital Bau-Bau (Said D., 1997). Kendari city to the plurality Population
One problem faced by the cities in Indonesia in the current period is a matter of people, space, land and lahan.pemukiman and business activities.

At least this problem has been around the 1900s, the issue of population explosion, poverty, employment and housing and urbanization started to emerge, as reflected in the issue of deterioration of prosperity that emerged at that time. Issues were invited demands improvements to the policy of the government. Policy Ethical Policy trilogy programs, namely education, emigration and irrigation, and the improvement of the village (Kampung verbetering), prevention of health, and others were launched at about the first two decades beginning of the 20th century is an important solution to the issues raised at that time , Meanwhile, the development of colonial towns or cities Indies in 1900-1940-an increase. Urban development that occurred in the past, has a characteristic that is a basis of the birth of a new urban, consisting of intellectuals, bureaucrats, professionals, business people and traders from among Natives. Among the group of real awareness of the emerging nation and identity, that identity "Indonesian people". It has been growing in major cities, like Jakarta (Batavia), Bandung, Yogyakta, and Surabaya become the center of modernization. The same thing applies to the city of Semarang, Medan and Makassar (Colombijn, et al, 2005: 31). The rapid process of modernization, industrialization, commercialization and education are concentrated in large cities have become a factor of change and appeal pengerak urbanization and migration of people to urban areas. The city became a dream for the people residing in rural areas. In addition, therefore, the plurality of the population that has characterized colonial cities, in the early days of independence becomes more evolved and more so in its aftermath. A plurality of the population in some urban areas, a factor triggering the process of integration and socialization in the urban context in Indonesia.

Pengindonesiaan process is taking place not only through the activities in admininistari aspects and political and economic governance, but also through the process of social interaction and inter-ethnic cultural dialogue. Kendari, for example, in the period of the 19th century a landslide developed into a residential center. In 1824 when the expulsion of people from the Gulf Bone Bajo performed the Dutch, then there is a massive migration of people Bajo to Kendari Bay. Bajo move was followed by the nobility Bone along with his followers and Kendari Bay became the largest settlement in Sulawesi Bajo (Esther, 1993: 5). Migration flows entering Kendari City also occurred in 1861 were derived from Muna from La Ode Ngkada Kapitalau Lohiya because of opposing views with King Muna La Ode downy mildew, he and 300 of his followers settled in Kendari. People to Rete derived from Wawonii be too Kendari Bay population occupy the hilly areas in the north of the bay, the village of Mata, Nii, Sadohoa and Lahudape. To Kapontori inhabits Kampung Kapontori between Tipulu and Lahundape (Chalik, 1985: 24-25). The growing city of Kendari as a center of colonial power began to be equipped with military facilities set up barracks Dutch troops on a hill near the building lodges and istanah king and government facilities, both as an office, home office of the head of government and housing pengawai and religious facilities such as the Church, all located on the hill. In the next period, which the city of Kendari started showing a characteristic of the urban center in the Kingdom government Laiwui-Lepo Lepo moved in Kendari. Move the capital city as the center of government, pushing for a natural harbor facilities and the market town of Kendari Bay Kendari, Kendari thus evolved into the port city and trade. The physical face of the city of Kendari increasingly broad and crowded, more lively social life, when in 1920 enlivened by the presence of the Chinese and the Arabs build a shopping center. Urban infrastructure construction, such as a shopping center market, the physical expansion of the city by reclaiming and stockpiling beach cliffs around the headland east, and the western part of what had been a small bay.

This period of physical expansion of the city is growing, people are concentrated in the Bajo Bajo Langi village began to feel discomfort, disturbed and ultimately forced to leave villages to other areas in Kendari Bay. When the road that connects Kendari with the hinterland was opened (Kendari - Wawotobi) in 1912. The villages
along the Gulf has been a concentration of settlements. The expansion towards the north coast, such as villages Sadohoa, Benu-Continent, Tipulu, Kapontori, and Lahudape develop into part of the expansion of the city. Path opened toward West along the coast add to dense city of Kendari. Kendari city expansion on the south bay, the topography does not undergo changes, except settlement in Lapulu, Abeli ​​and Pandan Island and Butung village by the sea (Said D. 2005). The development of the city of Kendari from East to West is a regional settlement between Kampung Sadohoa disebalah West until the village Butung eastward into the central city of Kendari ranging from Kampung Butung, Kendari Caddi, Kampung Salo, Kandai (Kendari city), Kampung Jati, Kampung Bajo, and New village. Towards the West there are villages Sadohoa, Benu-Continent, Tipulu, Kapontori, Lahudape, Mandonga and Punggolaka who follow the path of Kendari Wawotobi. From the South heading towards intersection Mandonga-Lepo Lepo there Kadia village, Wua-Wua and-Lepo Lepo. South to the East towards the bay there are villages Kambu, Anduonohu, Anggoeya, Abeli, Pandan Island, Talia, Nambo and Bungkutoko. Being in front of the bay there is a village Kassilampe and Kampung Mata (HA Chalik, 1985: 29-30; Konggoasa, 1982). Prominent change occurred when the central government of the Kingdom of Laiwoi on the move-Lepo Lepo Ranomeeto to Kendari Bay in 1832. The immediate impact of the removal of the center of government policy is the development and improvement of municipal facilities such as port facilities and road network. In addition, the provision of public facilities such as the establishment of military barracks and housing, water, telephones, schools, and land transportation facilities.

All of which are part of the political and economic interests the Dutch East Indies to take advantage of all the facilities provided to the people in the form of tax collection and labor. The city government as a symbol of power begets violence, pengusuran, and destruction of buildings of historical value which characterizes the traditional city has lost its meaning. City dwellers consisting of multi-ethnic and cultural reflect each, very vulnerable to social conflicts, if not managed properly, it will cause upheavals. To avoid social conflict one bid multikuralisme solution is to improve education for the younger generation and the citizens understand and respect the cultural differences of each ethnicity. Of course we very much hope for the absence of cases of conflict and social unrest between ethnic groups, such as the events of Ambon, Palu, Sampit and other areas in Indonesia.

In the development history, the city of Kendari formed can not be separated from the presence of the Bajo and Bugis in Kendari Bay that form population centers. Kendari city in its development into a commercial city, after Vosmaer build Kendari city in 1832, and later became the administrative center of the Kingdom Laiwoi after moving the king's court-Lepo Lepo Tebau of the capital of the Kingdom of Laiwoi to Kendari Bay. Kendari city developed into an important commercial town on the seashore of east Sulawesi. The second lung of the 19th century city of Kendari developing as a center of trade between the island controlled by Chinese merchants, Arab, and Europe. And simultaneously followed by a decline in activities that disrupt piracy and merchant shipping in the Gulf of Kendari. Reduced pirate activity due to the Dutch policy to protect the Bajo fishermen and traders who live / lived in Kendari Bay. When leaders are having trouble maintaining lokol

their positions due to increased piracy and do not have access to a weapon, then replaced by the power of pirates or pirates from Ternate to secure trade in Kendari Bay, trade supervisory control is taken over local leaders called by sahbandar taken control of the Netherlands. Settlement expansion in Kendari inclined towards the coastal area

beach encircling the bay. Market and harbormaster's office was set on the coast near the port. If seeing the dynamics that occur in the city of Kendari, the visible developments to a characteristic of the commercial city or the port city that relies on trade as a development base. This condition is supported by the geographical position (it lies) and community activities are mostly oriented to the shipping sector and trade. Kendari city visible face of its infrastructure following the coastal path and economic orientation to the development of the port as a supporter of trade and shipping.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sultan Hasanuddin the King of Gowa

Tracing the history of the hero is very good, a lot of value - the value of loyalty that we can take as an example in living as a man who always wanted to be better. Sultan Hasanuddin is a hero in my hometown in Makassar South Sulawesi - Indonesia. He is a brave figure who never wavered against the enemy until the day he died.

He was born in Makassar, South Sulawesi, January 12, 1631 and died in Makassar, South Sulawesi, June 12, 1670 at the age of 39 years, is the King of Gowa 16th and Indonesian national hero who was born with the name I Mallombasi Muhammad Bakir Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangepe , After converting to Islam, he received an additional title of Sultan Hasanuddin Tumenanga Ri Balla Pangkana, only better known as the Sultan Hasanuddin course, by the Netherlands he was nicknamed as the Roosters From the East or in Dutch called de Haav van de Oesten for his courage against the Dutch colonialists .. He was appointed as the Sultan of Gowa 6 to the age of 24 years (1655).

He is the second son of Sultan Malikussaid, King of Gowa 15th. Sultan Hasanuddin ruled the Kingdom of Gowa, when the Netherlands which represented the Company was trying to control the spice trade. Gowa a great empire in the eastern region of Indonesia who controlled the trade route. In 1666, under the command of Admiral Cornelis Speelman, the Company tried to subdue the small kingdoms, but has not managed to subdue Gowa. On the other hand, after the Sultan Hasanuddin ascending the throne, he tried to combine the power of small kingdoms in eastern Indonesia against the Company.

The battle between the VOC and Gowa (Sultan Hasanuddin) began in 1660. At that time, the Netherlands was assisted by the Royal Bone is a conquered kingdom of Gowa. On the war, Commander Bone, Tobala Palaka Aru eventually killed but managed to escape and the war ended with peace. However, dama agreement did not last long because the Sultan Hasanuddin who feels aggrieved then attacked and merompak two Dutch ships, namely de Walvis and Leeuwin. Holland was furious.

Then the Dutch sent a large fleet of war led by Cornelis Speelman. Palaka Aru, the ruler of the kingdom of Bone also attacked the Kingdom of Gowa. Sultan Hasanuddin finally pressed and finally agreed to sign the agreement most famous of Bongaya Treaty on 18 November 1667. On 12 April 1668, Sultan Hasanuddin back an attack against the Netherlands. But because the Netherlands has been stronger then Fort Sombaopu which is the last defense of the Kingdom of Gowa successfully mastered the Netherlands.

Until the end of his life, Sultan Hasanuddin still would not cooperate with the Netherlands. Sultan Hasanuddin later resigned from his royal throne and died on June 12, 1670. To Respect his services, the Government conferred the title of National Hero Ri him with Presidential Decree No. 087 / TK / 1973.

Getting to know the figure of General Sudirman

Hi guys, today I will introduce you to one of the many heroes of Indonesia, Sudirman, he is experienced in the military field and has a very strong determination to protect the nation and state of Indonesia

On December 19, 1948, the Dutch military aggression II attacked Yogyakarta, the capital of Indonesia at that time. National leaders: Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta and Sjahrir caught. Soon after the aggression, General Sudirman as Commander of TKR (People's Security Army) issued orders that all army lightning Indonesia do guerrilla against the Dutch.

           Although ill, Sudirman lead directly guerrilla. With his army, he went out into the forest, up and down the mountain to attack military outposts Netherlands. Guerrilla tactics it turned out to weaken the morale of the troops Netherlands. Many are desperate and feel threatened his safety. Because unexpectedly, they get a sudden attack of the troops of General Sudirman.
Dutch feel overwhelmed Sudirman forces. They can only master urban areas, whereas outside it, has entered the territory of the guerrilla army leader Sudirman. On the other hand, diplomatic pressure against the Netherlands also insistently, because the international community saw that the army led by General Sudirman still exist.

          Guerrilla warfare conducted Sudirman, an attempt to imitate the Prophet when migrated to Madinah. Of tactics can be read that the Sudirman understand the tactics of the Prophet when the Quraish fool. While at the village after suffering Karangnongko previously settled in the village Sukarame - Sudirman village considers it unsafe. He decided to leave the village with tactics disguise, as did his companions when the Prophet besarta will emigrate.

          After the dawn prayer, Sudirman together with his bodyguard went into the forest. Coat she used to be left in a house in the village, including several members of the group consisting of Rustam and Heru Suparjo Kesser. The next morning Heru Kesser soon wore the mantle and together Suparjo Rustam walked toward the south. Up in a house, then the coat is removed and the two of them together with a few people are carefully following the Sudirman. Apparently, in the afternoon the Dutch aircraft bombed the house who had visited Heru Kesser and Suparjo Rustam.

To spread the jihad fighting spirit, this great general distributed leaflets containing an appeal to all the people and army to continue fighting against the Dutch with quotes one hadith of the Prophet. "Insyaflah! Whoever dies, when (during his life) has never fought (for justice) even the slightest desire of his heart there is no war, the death on a branch of hypocrisy. "

        Specifically Sudirman also encouraged his troops to not be afraid and sad because Allah is with the believers. In addition, Sudirman always remind his troops to cleanse his heart in the struggle. They must be confident that God will not neglect his servants who fight for something that is fair based on inner purity.

          In the course of the guerrilla, each stop in the countryside or village, Sudirman, as he is usually called upon the people, always organize recitals. This is what makes it close to the community. Every night, although her condition is pain due to lung disease, he always prayed tahajud.
In order to rekindle the spirit of jihad among the army and society, Sudirman establish close working relationship with the boarding schools. For example, during the battle in Magelang and Ambarawa, he collaborated with the boarding school in Payaman Kyai leader Siraj. Boarding many leads his students to strive in battle Ambarawa.

          Sudirman also always instill in each child his noble attitude to life or martyrdom. In his speeches he always quoted the Qur'anic verse that contains the word "Jihad" as Surah Ash-Shaff paragraphs 10 and 11 and surah al-Baqarah verse 154. Sudirman also often chanting Takbir "Allahu Akbar!" While leading the battle. Approximately seven months he leads a guerrilla war until the Dutch finally resigned from Yogyakarta.

Sudirman was born from a family of small farmers, in the village of Bodaskarangjati, District of Rembang, Purbalingga, Central Java. His father was a foreman in the sugar cane sugar factory in Purwokerto. From infancy he was adopted by the assistant district officer (district head) in Rembang, R. Tjokrosunaryo.

            A child who was born on January 24, 1916 is included in luck. The reason for that time, he could get an education in the School Teachers Muhammadiyah Solo, though not until the end. But because education is high, Sudriman could be a teacher at Muhammadiyah Cilacap. Aside from being a teacher, he is also actively preached that his name famous in Cilacap and Banyumas.

       As Muhammadiyah activists, young Sudirman active in Hizbul Wathon, scouting belongs to Muhammadiyah. Apparently, in this container stand his military talent. Because of that, he then entered the selection Homeland Defense military education (Map) in Bogor.

     Sudirman military career has been rapid. Graduated from the school, he was appointed battalion commander in the Tract. After the People's Security Army (TKR) was formed, he was appointed Commander of Division V / Banyumas with the rank of colonel. Conference TKR 1945, Sudirman was elected Commander of TKR and appointed by the president with the rank of general. TKR has since grown into the Indonesian National Army (TNI).

     Although he became military officers in Yogyakarta, he remained active following the recitation "Tuesday Night", organized by Muhammadiyah in Kauman, adjacent to the Grand Mosque in Yogyakarta. To maintain the relationship with the camp of Islam, he also did not hesitate to come to their headquarters. Suppose that in 1946, he visited the camp of the Hezbollah-Sabilillah Surakarta. The arrival of the great general morale cash add-Sabilillah Hezbollah members were preparing to leave for the battlefield.

This is what makes the figure of General authoritative and respected. In the eyes of the people, he was a great general and a special commander. The spirit of jihad is to become a legendary figure in the history of the Indonesian military. General Sudirman died in Magelang on January 29, 1950 and was buried at the Heroes Semaki, Yogyakarta.